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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"That's why I was really excited to get that fight because a lot of times they won't put two top contenders against each other because it gets rid of one of the title fights," Marquardt told Tapout Radio. "It's an honor to be able to fight another top contender and come out as the top, top contender."

“Depending on the money I would fight at heavyweight division. If I receive a good proposal and my moment is good and it is great for my personal marketing, I would have to give it consideration.”

"As far as Jamie Varner as a fighter, I respect the [expletive] out of the guy," Cerrone said. "He's a good fighter, a great fighter. As far as Jamie Varner as a person, I don't respect him at all.

"I don't have anything bad to say about his fight game. I think he's a game dude, and he's an awesome fighter. But when it comes to him running his mouth after? How he exited that fight is nothing but his own, so he can't point the finger and blame me."

“I worked so hard basically for the last seven years to get to this point and I’m on a good run right now,” he said. “3-0 in the UFC, everything is kind of working out, very positive. It’s a great step up for me; it’s one of those fights where I have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I’m just very excited for the opportunity. As soon as we were told about it, about four weeks ago, we jumped on and put down the pizza and started training.”

"I'm starting to feel the nerves a little bit," McCully said. "It's starting to feel good, starting to feel familiar. That's when you really get excited, you really start to understand what you're about to get yourself into. It really starts to make sense, all the work you've put in and everything."

Tate recently sat down with to discuss, amongst other things, her beginnings in Mixed Martial Arts, how she feels she’s evolved as a fighter, where she sees herself going in the sport, who she might like to step into the cage with, her opinion on five-minute rounds, and a hobby or two that could surprise fans who have her pegged as being little more than a girl who likes to beat people up.

“He has a great record and deserves respect, but I think I am in the best shape of my life,” Gonzaga says. “I am very focused and I want to become a contender again. I believe in my skills and I am going to be one hundred percent for this fight.”

“Most part of everything that was reported between us was foolish from the media,” he says. “The media wants to sell a polemic image of us and it was what happened.

“I haven’t got much to say about Wanderlei. He’s a great athlete and he showed himself to be a cool guy during a long time. Today we haven’t the same contact anymore. But I haven’t got nothing at him at all. I wish him the best wishes. He’s a great fighter.”


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