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Sunday, September 6, 2009

"Haven't heard anything yet," Cole wrote in a text message to FanHouse. "As far as we know the fight is still on. Until the UFC tells us something different, Rashad Evans starts training in mid-October."

"Well Rashad got a big ass mouth. I'm gonna shut it up. Simple as that. Some people just talk too much. Some people think they too good for they own britches. They run their mouth a mile a minute with their fat lips. Next time somebody get in my face like that... man use some Scope, some mouthwash... some breath mints or something like that. Then I won't be so upset. I think I have the right to say what I want after he got in my face first. I wanna break his spirit. I wanna hurt his ego. I just wanna whoop up on him real bad." 5 Knuckles

"We'll have two seasons of 12 (shows) in 2010," Rebney said. "Two seasons are locked down now. The first one will start at the beginning of 2010, and the second one will be running what's basically next summer. What we wanted to do was schedule it strategically so there wouldn't be that lapse of time (between the two seasons)."

“It’s a pretty big thing doing your UFC debut and I was pretty nervous going into the fight,” said the 25-year-old. “A couple of days before I was pretty nervous, but as soon as I got out there and got in front of the crowd I just felt the same, just another fight. It felt good to hear the crowd roar and as for my next fight, I don’t feel as nervous. I got that first one out of the way and now I’m just ready to go.”

Former Olympic superstar wrestler and freak athlete Daniel Cormier is reportedly close to signing and eight-fight deal with Strikeforce that would kick his fighting career off with a bang. 5 Oz’s


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